UNDERSTANDING Energetic Check-Ins and Suffering

The key to Quantum Manifestation is seeing yourself fully and taking radical responsibility for where you are at in your life and the role you play in your own suffering. This week, Ashley discusses her teachings on how we can understand our own energetic check-ins when we are moving through our process of manifesting on the quantum level. It requires a heightened awareness of yourself and the role you’re playing in your own life. This process is not easy – it is quantum, but our intention is that with this episode you’ll get a taste of what this process can look and feel like in your own life and inspire the aligned action needed and attain your soul desires.

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • What the difference between manifesting on an ego level and soul level

  • What self-imposed suffering is, why it happens, and how to spot it in our own life

  • What energetic check-ins are and why they are important in Quantum Manifestation

  • How to understand these check-ins so you can grow your capacity to hold your desires and become unshakeable



JULY RECAP: Rooting Down Deep Within


Trusting Your Body and Using Your Voice Through Birth with Katherine Blanco