How to Collapse Timelines

Last week we launched our live Quantum Manifestation workshop experience and with that, we received a question around what it means to “collapse timelines”. In this episode, Ashley shares that Quantum Manifestation is so very different from other manifestation models in that it honors your past, your present, and your future possibilities. Your soul is at the core of Quantum Manifestation, which means that you are being guided to experience pleasure and growth from a deep soul level — from a quantum level. In the quantum, time is not linear. You have the opportunity to move through the experience of Quantum Manifestation and smooth energy within your field to align your frequency with the frequency of what you want. The only way to smooth energy is to respond differently — this is how timelines are collapsed.

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • What it means to collapse timelines

  • The role collapsing timelines plays in the Quantum Manifestation process

  • Ashley’s pregnancy and birth portal story and how she has collapsed so many timelines on her journey to bring her son Earth side



UNDERSTANDING: Self Worth vs. Soul Work


808: Quantum Manifestation is Here!